Otto Hess Trainee Award 2021 of the Swiss Society of Cardiology

Cardiovasc Med. 2022;25:w02259

Published on 01.03.2021

The Swiss Society of Cardiology (SSC) has created the Otto Hess Trainee Award to recognise and support trainees in cardiology who have made a significant contribution to research in the field of cardiology at an early stage of their career. The award is named in memory of the late Otto Martin Hess (1946–2011), a cardiologist, teacher and scientist with a particular commitment to the promotion of young researchers [1].
Trainees in cardiology who have accomplished at least 2 years of specialty training in cardiology or subspecialty training in paediatric cardiology, and who have been actively involved in cardiology research are invited to apply. The age limit is 32 years. Research activity must have resulted in either a doctoral thesis, a full-length publication as first author or a presentation at a major international cardiology congress (annual meeting of the European Society of Cardiology, American Heart Association, American College of Cardiology, World Congress of Cardiology). The work has to be accepted, published, or presented in the year before the submission deadline. Up to three awards of 5000 CHF each will be allocated each year.
Applications should be submitted by 30 March 2021, by e-mail (1 PDF file) with:
  • application letter;
  • curriculum vitae (1 page);
  • list of publications and abstracts (number of publications is not a major selection criterion);
  • letter of support from the director of the institution where the research has been conducted;
  • thesis, publication, or abstract to be considered.
The signed application letter must also be sent by post.

Address for submission:

Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Kardiologie
Karin Guldenfels
Dufourstrasse 30
CH-3005 Bern
E-mail: info[at]
The rules of the Otto Hess Research Award, providing more details on eligibility, the application procedure and the award committee, can be downloaded from the website of the Swiss Society of Cardiology:
Karin Guldenfels
Dufourstrasse 30
CH-3005 Bern
1 Zum Abschied von Prof. Dr. med. Otto Martin Hess. Cardiovasc Med. 2011;14(5):139–40. doi:.